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POWER PUFF GIRLS LAPTOP SKIN inspired by Cartoon Network

Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹199.00.

SKU: PMLS-2m Categories: , ,


POWER PUFF GIRLS LAPTOP SKIN Made from high- quality Vinyl, UV-resistant colors and printed with a matte finish.


  1. Get a measuring device and measure the length and width of your laptop.
  2. select the closest size available, preferably one that is a little larger that will be trimmed off at the edges after the application


  1. Peel off the back sheet and place the edge of the skin carefully with the adhesive side towards the laptop.
  2. Start from one end , slowly working your way through, peeling away the bottom layer and pressing firmly and evenly onto the laptop.
  3. Flatten the skin with a spatula or a card forcing the bubbles away through the edges.
  4. trimm off the edges after the application.


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